30 minutes of Minecraft gameplay with Ray Tracing effects – looks gorgeous

At Gamescom 2019, Mojang and NVIDIA presented a demo for Minecraft using the recently announced Ray Tracing effects – the first video demonstrating the effects was published. Specifically, now we will demonstrate a video from experts from DigitalFoundry.
The player is free to settle in any biome he likes. Most prefer meadows and forests. But some resources can be obtained only in certain locations. Also, some unique pets, such as cats, live only in one place before taming.
Variety in the game brings not only the abundance of locations and animals, but also the ability to modify it. Mods for Minecraft began to appear even before the release of the game, when it was in the test phase. On numerous sites, you can now download mods that significantly change the game mechanics. New ore, various mechanisms, new biomes and monsters – all this can be added to the game by downloading several files to your computer.
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