Microsoft announced the cancellation of the Super Duper Graphics Pack

Microsoft announced the cancellation of the Super Duper Graphics Pack

A few days ago, Microsoft announced the cancellation of the Super Duper Graphics Pack, which was supposed to significantly improve the picture in Minecraft on all platforms, but this does not mean that the game will no longer be modified. Quite the contrary, just now with each.

For those who discover the world for themselves or for those who have just heard about it, it will be interesting to read. Minecraft, this is a game made in the sandbox genre, it is possible to create various blocks in it that are useful in the game and all this in three-dimensional space. The game will fully allow you to realize all your imagination.

At the very beginning of the game, you generate just the same huge world. In it, you will conduct construction, extract resources, resist mobs and other creatures, interact with the NPC, and much, much more.


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