LearnToMod – Code with Minecraft, Minecraft Modding Software

LearnToMod – Code with Minecraft, Minecraft Modding Software

The rules range from easy ownership of property, to states with taxes and slavery – it all depends on mods and imagination. Honestly, the popularity of the game has always been surprising among experts – it is definitely not for a wide range, for people with developed imagination and for fans to dig deeper with crafting.

At the annual Build Conference, Landmarks which is primarily for developers, Microsoft announced a nameless project in augmented reality based on Minecraft. So far, only a small teaser has been presented in which the heroine sees cubic characters using a smartphone. More detailed information.

Angular little men, water, dancing flames and even tomatoes on a bed in the form of cubes, apples and other round things also look funny. Gloomy shadows, thickets, hills resembling a geometry textbook, changing seasons, frozen rivers are a rather hardcore simulator. Hunger, illnesses and needs – it’s better to rest in bed than in a sleeping bag, although you can’t make this and that at the initial stage. A stone hammer and a shovel, the first flimsy bow from a tree and a rope twisted from grass – everything can be made from everything, improved and with its help to get new.


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