In Minecraft created the Earth in full size

In Minecraft created the Earth in full size

That just did not do in Minecraft: I built a working calculator, conducted online lectures and recreated worlds from movies and TV series. However, until recently, no one bore the earth in the 1 to 1 scale.

it ventured the player PippenFTS.

He is using mods Cubic Chunks and the Terra 1 to 1 moved our planet into a game of life size. The first mod removes the restriction on the maximum size of the world, and the second allows you to transfer the game to the huge territory, using satellite images of Google.

the map lacks many of the cities and landmarks and some buildings mod takes over the landscape, so you need to manually rework parts of the map. PippenFTS asks to help him with this.

to Help moddery and other concerned players through the server shell.


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