Minecraft Final Fantasy XV Skins Pack
Today, April 24, a set of skins Final Fantasy XV for Minecraft was released. To create charcoal in both slots you need to put on a block of wood or boards. The resulting charcoal can be used instead of regular charcoal for cooking and creating a torch. Gathering resources and preparing for the first night… Read More »
Chinese version of Minecraft reaches 100 million registered users
In August last year, Mojang studio, together with NetEase, launched the official version of its cubic sandbox Minecraft in the Middle Kingdom. A month later, a version for iOS-based mobile devices was released, a month later – for Android. The workbench must be positioned on the surface to use it. With it, you can create… Read More »
Minecraft has increased chances to unite the entire community of fans
More recently, Sony Interactive Entertainment decided to join Fortnite’s cross-platform ‘party’. This is the most popular game in the world at the moment, and PlayStation 4 users could not play with owners of other consoles, unlike. Since both Persson and Porser wanted to focus on game development rather than business, Mojang AB hired Karl Manne… Read More »
Minecraft has over 90 million monthly active users
Mojang’s Minecraft is not just popular, no. It confidently remains popular because the game has more than 90 million active users every month. Persson also included character models from another early Zombie Town project. The game was a Java applet running in a browser, written using the LWJGL graphic output library. The test version of… Read More »
Minecraft has 91 million active players
Today, everyone says that Fortnite is the most popular game, they say, sets records and all that. But in fact, according to recent data, the most popular game in the world is still Minecraft. According to Microsoft, at. Persson also included character models from another early Zombie Town project. The game was a Java applet… Read More »