YouTube has filed a lawsuit against a user who extorted money from the streamers Minecraft

on Monday, YouTube filed a lawsuit against a resident of Nebraska for the fact that he abused the process of complaints on copyrights.
According to the lawsuit, Christopher Brady filed a false copyright notices against three popular streamers Minecraft, tried to extort money from them, and one even sicced armed police.
This is called swatting — man contacts the emergency services to report a false crime, for example, about the hostages and sends them at his target. The consequences can range from firing up murders.
YouTube claims that Brady filed two false copyright notices against each of the three streamers, and then he threatened to file a third claim, which would have forced the website to close the account youtubers. The scammer demanded streamers small amounts of money in bitcoins from 75 to 300 dollars.
So how does Brady learned the address of one of the streamers? It’s simple. When one of the youtubers submits a counter-notification to restore your account, he must enter his real name and address. YouTube then sends this information to Brady, to the copyright could sue the offender.
some time Later, one of the streamers he wrote that became a victim of swatting and if the courts agree that it was the fault of the same Brady, the guy will have to pay much more than he demanded from youtubers.
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