Student created Minecraft in the human digestive system and received an excellent rating

the Tools available in Minecraft are so diverse that they can be used to create even very complex system. Someone is recreating real locations, others are building calculators and computers. Now for the impressive projects created in Minecraft, you can add the human digestive system.
Naturally, the scale and form does not quite match reality — all made from pink blocks, but the operation performed as necessary. Food first enters the mouth, the post which goes through the whole process of digestion and comes in a natural way.
Digestive tract turned out so good that they deserve an excellent rating.
According to the Creator of the model, known under the name Yonda, the task was to create physical or digital models, so he decided to use Minecraft to do the work. In total, the player took about 30 hours, he used the mobile version of Minecraft.
With this flexibility, a friendly community and availability not surprisingly, Minecraft is one of the most popular games of all time.
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