Minecraft support for PS3, X360, WiiU and Vita is discontinued – the latest update is coming

The next major Minecraft update, called ‘Update Aquatic’, will be the last available on the PlayStation 3, XBox 360, Nintendo WiiU, and PlayStation Vita consoles. Microsoft said that they are no longer supporting the game on the previous console.
If you can’t find coal, do not despair, you can try to get charcoal. To do this, you first need to make a cobblestone stove. Now that you have all the resources, tools, a torch and even food you need to start, it’s time to take care of the overnight stay.
The oven for use can be placed next to the workbench. In the future, to transfer it, it will be necessary to destroy it with a pickaxe and put it in the toolbox. In the meantime, it can be used for firebox. In the lower slot, you need to put fuel, and in the upper – the firebox item.
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