We can build a house together! Minecraft helped Simon Pegg make contact with his daughter

The British actor Simon Pegg, best known for the film ‘Zombies named Sean’ and the franchise ‘Mission Impossible’, in a conversation with Radio X said that he had stopped actively playing video games many years ago, since he became a father, but.
The gameplay also imposed its limitations – for example, Rosenfeld intended to compose an “epic” musical theme for battles, but it turned out that the battles in the game last only a few seconds and quickly end. Rosenfeld used the Ableton Live software package, Moog Voyager and Prophet 8 synthesizers, and a huge number of VST software plugins to work on Minecraft music. For Rosenfeld, the popularity of the game – and his own music – was unexpected: in an interview with Thump in 2014, he said that it’s still hard for him to realize that people can give him money not because they like him, but because his music is worth something.
Rosenfeld recorded not only music, but also all sound effects for the game – such as the sounds of steps, installation or destruction of blocks – using a variety of techniques for working with a noise canister. So, to sound the spider mobs, Rosenfeld watched a lot of videos with spiders on YouTube, decided that these creatures should make hissing sounds, and ultimately settled on the sound of a working fire hose. Rosenfeld increased the pitch to get the desired hiss.
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