Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Released in Europe

Some of you Waited and finally it is here. A year later, Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS was released in Europe!
Persson also wrote that such a method of movement was used in the series of novels “Wheel of Time” by Robert Jordan – in safe paths of the “Way” (English Ways) people could cover great distances in a few days, not weeks. On October 29 of the same year, Persson decided to change the name of Hell due to religious reference, so he decides to come up with a more creative and original name. At first Persson wanted to choose The Slip or The Nexus, but then he chose Nether on the day the update was released. On December 11, Persson wrote that Minecraft would be in beta testing on December 20 of that year. He also wrote that this and subsequent updates before the stable release of the game will still be free.
After beta testing, a stable version of Minecraft was released on November 18, for which updates were then released. On December 1 of that year, Jens Bergensten became the lead developer of the game, replacing Persson. February 28, 2012 Mojang AB hired developers of the popular server platform CraftBukkit in order to improve support for server modifications in Minecraft. Mojang AB also acquired CraftBukkit itself, but the community of players doubted this fact, since the project has open source code, as well as the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser General Public License.
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