Gamer builds Atari 2600 emulator in Minecraft and sets world record

A resourceful YouTube blogger was able to build an Atari 2600 emulator into Minecraft. Along the way, he seemed to set a world record for passing Dragster, and at the same time told what games you can still run on a virtual device.
But just so you will not be allowed to develop here, with the onset of darkness, as monsters rely on a hunt, they come out who are just waiting to ruin your life. Therefore, on the first night it is better to sleep in a hole, someone generally advises to climb a tree. Of all the hostile mobs, I liked Creeper most of all, a too charismatic object, which, by the way, hangs out during the day too … It steals quietly, hisses and explodes, so much so that if you stay alive – all the buildings around are destroyed, in short it delivers so little will not seem.
The question is: to play or not to play? Of course to play, Minecraft is worth it, it has never been so interesting to dig cubes for several hours. Building houses, various structures, traps – just a flight of fancy. In general, the same sensations as being small and building castles in the sand …))) And also low-resolution textures will please at least old school who remember eight bit consoles.
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