Minecraft 2009 Update Evolution – 2018

1. Minecraft rd-132211 (05/13/2009) 2. Minecraft rd-160052 (05/15/2009) 3. Minecraft c0.0.13a (05/30/2009) 4. Minecraft a1.0.4 (08/07 / 2010 5. Minecraft a1.1.0 (12/09/2010) 6. Minecraft 1.0 (17/11/2011) 7. Minecraft 1.1 (11/01/2012) 8. Minecraft 1.4.7 (12/27/2012) 9. Minecraft 1.5.1.
The whole world in Minecraft is made up of blocks. Blocks have a certain texture and properties. Thus there are blocks of stone, earth, water, sand, etc. Blocks can be placed on top of each other or destroyed, thereby erecting any structure.
In an extended world, the main difference from other worlds are mountains, the height of which can reach the upper limit. Large biomes – the world is the same as the usual one, but the biomes in this world are significantly increased in size. Super plane – is a flat surface consisting of customizable layers. You can customize both structures and biomes. Although biomes could not be customized before Pretty Scary Update (1.4.2), there was the same template consisting of bedrock, several layers of grass and earth.
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