Minecraft celebrates 10 years. The authors of the game recommended Rayman Legends, Breath of the Wild and not only

 Minecraft celebrates 10 years. The authors of the game recommended Rayman Legends, Breath of the Wild and not only

This May Minecraft turns 10 years old. On this occasion, the developers launched a special page on the game’s website with all sorts of anniversary events. One of these events is a brief Minecraft story where Mojang managed to shove some. 

Those who for one reason or another do not yet know what it is about, it is worth explaining that Minecraft is a game of the sandbox genre, which means “sandbox” in English, namely a virtual constructor that can give players an incredible freedom of action. 

This game sold 4 million PCs, and began to conquer other gaming platforms with success, including Android as well. At the moment, it’s quite difficult to find some kind of modern gaming device that does not have a special version of Minecraft. This review will talk about the official version of this game for smartphones and android tablets, namely about Minecraft Pocket Edition. 


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