Ray tracing and texture pack transformed Minecraft beyond recognition

Ray tracing and texture pack transformed Minecraft beyond recognition

A video has appeared on YouTube showing how Minecraft transforms into something amazing using Stratum 2K texture packs and Continuum RT shaders.

But even when you find a good Minecraft resource, you will need a lot of effort to learn the information. Absolutely all recipes for items that you will encounter in the game are complex and require time to study. Many games have scarce documentation, but Minecraft does not have it at all, and the available information is not easy to learn.

Nevertheless, the pleasure of Minecraft is worth it. You become truly addicted at the moment when you begin to surround yourself with the objects you created. Suddenly, at night, when monsters fill the areas of the world without lighting, you are not so scared. Not that it’s not at all scary, but when you clutch even the simplest wooden sword in your hand, a feeling of confidence instills in you. It’s like a caveman planing his first spear or supporting his first fire, I feel more confident with the simplest tools and a torch. I feel that I am in control of my destiny, because I can do things that will help me survive.


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