Nebula Prize winner Katherine Valente writes a Minecraft novel

Nebula Prize winner Katherine Valente writes a Minecraft novel

In her forties, American writer Katherine ValenteShe ate many prestigious science fiction awards (Nebula, Locus, Mythopoietic and more), became the author of the best-selling New York Times and wrote a novelization of Mass Effect: Andromeda. Recently she came.

In addition to this, mods are also used for other purposes: introducing firearms, introducing dragons into the game, etc. In addition to destruction, it is allowed to create buildings, sometimes of unimaginable size. In addition to a primitive residential building, it is easy to erect the Leaning Tower of Pisa, construct an analog of the hadron collider (in real size) and much more. The crafting system in the game is quite extensive. Oh yes, from a geographical point of view, the player is unlimited – the map is endless and is randomly generated when a new world starts.

You can give some advice to players who are going to play Minecraft. First of all, you do not need to try to study the entire map. This cannot be done for well-known reasons. It is better to create a cozy shelter with a bed early in order to be revived near it in case of death. At night, it is advisable to sleep, rather than wandering through the dark world, because it is at this time that all creatures wake up to drink “red water” from the player’s body. It is recommended to engage in fights with them after weapons and armor have been created. Also, when descending underground, do not forget about the torches that illuminate the path. The road traveled must also be remembered, so that you do not inadvertently get lost when you return home. Here are some useful tips you can give gamers when playing Minecraft.


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