Minecraft adds a psychedelic set of standard textures

Minecraft adds a psychedelic set of standard textures

Modder has developed a psychedelic set of standard textures for Minecraft.

The physics here is a little strange. Trees are not falling. Minecraft The third option is to see the recordings of the streams conducted by the team “Blades of Happiness”, where in an interactive and entertaining form we tried to reveal the essence of the game as accessible as possible. The first broadcast was just an acquaintance with the projects, and in the second we talked about a local attraction called redstone.

And then you can safely embark on a journey through the endless cubic world. More precisely, in three worlds. In addition to the usual, familiar to the eye environment, divided into biomes for greater beauty (swamps, deciduous and coniferous forests, deserts, hills and other interesting places), there are a couple of parallel measurements. One of them is hell, mostly flooded with lava, as befits any self-respecting underworld. Local residents are characterized by increased hostility, and the scenery – gloomy grandeur. The second alternative reality is called Mir Ender and is the abode of endermen, dragons and strange phallic obsidian gizmos. Feels like a kind of first layer of Twilight from the works of Lukyanenko.


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