Microsoft with its local partner reported on the success of Minecraft in the Middle Kingdom

Microsoft with its local partner reported on the success of Minecraft in the Middle Kingdom

The games officially came out in China under the name Minecraft China and the publisher of NetEase Games in the 2017 series for PC, iOS and Android.

After I settled, the goals of my stay at Minecraft began to change. Each new visit to the game became an adventure where I explored the world in search of another incredibly important ingredient for a new recipe. These tasks invented by me sometimes lead me to the Lower World, a fiery dimension, from the inhabitants of which rare materials can be obtained. From time to time I make forays into deep caves, dressed in armor made by me and armed with an enchanted sword, to be ready to face any enemy.

I can’t imagine what I will find or what horrors I will face this time, but I do all these searches in the name of precious blocks and the thrill of meeting with the unknown.


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