Japanese gamer recreated Tokyo Minecraft panorama

Japanese gamer recreated Tokyo Minecraft panorama

A Japanese enthusiast under the nickname keinkandy spent more than two years creating a panoramic mosaic image of Tokyo in Minecraft. He shared the results of the work with users on Twitter.

Such a scatter of opinions is quite justified, because before us is a purely original project. And such things tend to be ambiguous. Doctor, it seems to me that everything around is glued from cardboard. This is normal? Doctor, are you all right with your head? Why is the forehead so high?

The first thing you should get used to in the local scenery is their cubicity. Everything is angular – the animals seem to be glued from cardboard, and the tools are pixelated to the extreme. The picture as a whole looks like a dashing greetings from the nineties – at first you just expect that Mario or Pakman will jump from around the corner.


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