Jack Black and planetary blogger PewDiePie host Minecraft charity stream

Jack Black and planetary blogger PewDiePie host Minecraft charity stream

If someone has finally lost faith in humanity, this news should return it. The highly popular blogger PewDiePie teamed up with actor and musician Jack Black to host a Minecraft charity stream. The funds collected for the broadcast were sent to Take This.

But not all blocks in Minecraft will be usable – after breaking them. For example, the block of air, due to the fact that it is transparent, is not possible to break. Like the bedrock, but here because of its natural strength. But the glass, if you break it, will become just a pile of unnecessary fragments.

Items and their craft in the game have a certain logic. That is, when creating a torch, you will not need it – let’s say diamonds. Kraft itself will allow you to get everything you need in the game. Tools, blocks, and other necessary items. By the way, there are just a huge number of objects in the game, starting from ordinary sweets and ending with some kind of generator.


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