How to play Minecraft without mining any blocks

How to play Minecraft without mining any blocks

Minecraft is a game where you get things and sometimes create them. But one player decided to skip all the crafting in Minecraft and decided to beat the game without ever getting a single block. This is not easy, and it requires a lot of luck and patience. For the first time, Reddit user SpikyHedGey posted a video on a Minecraft subreddit on October 4, showing a vivid video of everything they did to beat the game without minecraft. An impressive achievement hit Minecraft players on Reddit, and he was drowned 11,000 up. A lot of time is spent visiting villages, pyramids and other special places. Each of these areas could have useful items and materials for SpikyHedGuy, such as armor, food, and buckets.

Once they had the main resources, they began to delve into the world and end up in hidden temples. Luring Creepers that explode when approaching a player was one of the working methods. Making TNT with materials from dead Creepers allowed SpikyHedGuy to place explosives there where they need it. Then SpikyHedGuy used a bucket and lava to create obsidian blocks that activated the portal to Nafir.

Entering the portal, SpikyHedGuy fought the big dragon boss using armor, weapons and even a bucket, they were able to defeat the boss and thus defeat Minecraft.


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