Another movie from the Minecraft RTX mode

Another movie from the Minecraft RTX mode

NVIDIA has released yet another video demonstrating how RTX works in Minecraft. This time this is a video shown at Gamescom.

The left SHIFT is used to keep the character on the edge of the blocks from falling. Even if, while holding SHIFT, the player presses the key forward or sideways, moving the character to a cliff, he will not fall, but will remain on the edge. This is a useful property when exploring caves or building tall structures, because if a character falls from a high place, he will die. Also, the key allows you to stop the character on a vertical ladder. The player can freely build structures of almost any size, but some limitations of the game world are still present. When you try to dig strictly down, the player will find the so-called reed, which is an indestructible block. When building straight up, there is also a limitation on the height of the game world. The breadth of the game is generated almost indefinitely, it can be thousands and thousands of blocks.

During the game, the player encounters various non-human creatures called mobs. Mobs can be hostile or peaceful. Peace-loving mobs can be tamed in most cases. Hostile mobs will attack the player. There are mobs whose hostility varies with the time of day. Most hostile mobs, such as large spiders, skeletons, and dangerous exploding creepers, appear only at night or in dark places such as caves. All mobs can be hunted while receiving certain resources.


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